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Learning how to fly

April 24, 2011

Dear Reader,

Today, I got to experience something new.

It was much different than I had expected. Initially, it was intimidating. But as we left, it became more breathtaking and thrilling than I ever could have imagined.

Today, I experienced what most people consider to be my first flight.

If we want to get into technicalities, I flew once when I was 2 years old, but all I really remember is screaming my lungs out, to my parents’ dismay, and hating the “fasten seatbelt” light with a loathing passion.

This trip has gone much smoother, to say the least.

Before I dozed off to sleep last night, I whispered a simple yet desperate prayer: “Father, I really want a window seat. Make it happen, or do what is best. Whatever works for You.”

After boarding our flight, finding the section of where I was to sit, and throwing my overly stuffed backpack into the carry-on compartment above my head, I glanced at my ticket for what seemed to be the millionth time to decipher which seat was mine. A wide smile of gratitude crossed my face at the realization that my small prayer for a window seat had been answered.

About an hour later, we sped down the runway to leave LAX and our home behind for a week. To be honest, taking off is one of the most thrilling experiences I’ve ever had. Although I am easily entertained, I know there have to be some people who agree with me.

Everyone says the views from the air are incredible.

Today, I found that to be a grotesque understatement.

Within the first five minutes of our flight, you could see the dark blue ocean lapping up against the LA coastline. You could spot the Ruby’s Diners on numerous piers and watch the boats leave short trails behind them. Looking down on the world is absolutely wonderful.

On more of a universal note, I think I like the way clouds look  “upside down” better than the normal way we usually see them.

When you fly over the ocean in Central America, it looks as if the sky is mirrored down below you.

I won’t lie, I was glued to the window for at least 3 hours of our 6 hour flight.

Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed my first flight, and as I nestled into my seat for a quiet ride, I was reminded that God cares about the details… like saving me a window seat.

Your Friend,

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